CallCenter Profi

Voice dialogue answers FAQs

 – Alexander Jünger

If on the telephone the same questions are repeated, then one gets an automatic response via a linguistic portal.For this precisely, CreaLog has developed the user solution CreaVoice FAQ which will be presented to the guests of CallCenterWorld in Berlin in 2009. This linguistic dialogue system realizes natural language information, FAQ and chat systems on the telephone. Payback, Germany´s most successful bonus program, already uses CreaVoice FAQ in its customer service portal.

The self service application points out what intelligent systems are capable of today: in short, the Payback customers can ask colloquial questions to the new linguistic dialogue system over the telephone: "Where can I collect Payback points?" or "How can I redeem my Payback points?" Immediately CreaVoice FAQ, takes the known question and answer modules (FAQs), analyzes the callers question and presents the fitting answer on the spot. With a new linguistic dialogue logic CreaLog has made it possible to answer blurred formulated questions of the caller. For this CreaVoice FAQ accesses the same answer data base according to the websites or the FAQ-information system in the Call Center. The system gives the fitting answer on the telephone by naturally sounding linguistic synthesis (text to speech). Moreover, Crealog makes the fast application of FAQ linguistic dialogue solutions for new or supplementary ranges of topics by the simple exchange of keywords and the plausible answer. Crucially, besides the linguistic dialogue logic of CreaLog can be maintained completely independent of the content! This applies to independent information systems just as to solutions which are integrated into already existing linguistic dialogue systems for automated commercial cases.


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